14 Lessons I Have Learnt
Hi friends,
Today I wanted to share with you a few valuable lessons I have learnt over the years. Now I'm not that old lol, but I have had many experiences in my life so far (good and bad experiences) that have helped me find out who I really am and what my true strengths and weaknesses are so I could work on being a better person. So here are just a few of the lessons I have had the pleasure of learning so far. I hope my lessons can act as inspiration in your life to help you find your way.
Lesson 1.
"Everything happens for a reason" I cannot tell you how this phrase used to make my blood boil everytime someone would say it to me, but I have to say that I have found this to be true. An example is that I had a career in music that totally took a massive nose dive. I was lost with no interest any longer in music, now music had been my only hobby, interest and job since I left highschool so quitting music was a huge decision. I didn't know what to do, what was I interested in now, what would be my life purpose? One day I stumbled across a beauty course (nail tec) add in the yellow pages, I followed it up and did the course, this course led me to makeup, which is my absolute be all end all passion and also led me to meet my dear friend Kath. If I had not have left music and moved into beauty I would never have met my bud Kath, and she is awesome fun and loves so many of the same things I do. So I do believe that everything happens for a reason, we might not know right away what the reasons behind occurances are but you can have faith that one day everything will be clear to you and your life might be a little bit better for it. :)
Lesson 2.
Nice men who treat you well and love and respect you are far better for you then nasty men, and no you can't change him.
Lesson 3.
Stop and smell the roses! Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it (thats what Ferris Bueller said)

Lesson 4.
Always wear clean underwear oh and shave the legs lol! I will not tell any stories here hahaha. :D
Lesson 5.
Sometimes mum does know best, ok I'm not going to delve into this and give my mum a big head, but so many times I look back and think 'If I had of just taken mums advice'
Lesson 6.
Sometimes mum does not know best hehehe!
Lesson 7.
Blue and green can be seen together, what crazy sociopath said that they couldn't?
Lesson 8.
People who really love and care for you will always be there no matter what. When you go through a bad time you really learn who your true alliances are in life. It's a harsh lesson because sometimes the people you thought were true friends disappear and leave you. Sometimes people you held high respect for turn out to be cowards and I have learnt that life is better off without those kinds of people.
Lesson 9.
As a woman my sole job in life doesn't have to be to have children and it is up to me what I do with my body. From the age of 13 I knew that I did not want to have children, It was something I felt strongly about then and still do. I never dreamt about what I would name my kids or how many I would have because I just felt in my heart it was not for me. I think some women are fantastic mums and some women are born to be mums and thats beautiful but for me it doesn't interest me in the slightest. This is a subject that causes so much friction because everytime I mention that I don't want children I really get lectured and people think there must be something wrong with me. Now I think some kids are fantastic, I was even a teacher for a few years teaching young kids, but it doesn't mean I should out of society pressures and norms have children. If I choose not to have children then it should be respected as my choice just as I respect other women in their choices to have their children. We need to be more open to women living their lives individually in a way that is positive and pleasing to themselves.
Lesson 10.
Find out what you love to do in your life and excel at it! It might be athletics, writing, singing, acting, beauty :) What ever your passion is just go for it! Don't let negativity stand in your way. You will have good days where you are going great guns then days when you feel you are stuck in a rut. Keep strong in your goals, listen to your heart and not to other people's opinions of what you should be doing. Create a plan to follow your passion and let other people's success be an inspiration to you. Look at the steps other successful people took to achieve their dreams and create your own steps to your dreams. No matter how hard it gets, have faith in your dreams and never give up.
Lesson 11.
Your hair colour, size, background, accent, financial status and amount of 'friends' you have does not define you. What defines you is your heart and how you interact with others on a day to day basis.
Lesson 12.
A healthy diet and regular exercise really does make you feel good. I have been up and down on the scales a few times in my life and I feel so much stronger when I am eating healthy and working out on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be a full on change in your eating regime but just try swapping that glass of wine for a green tea once in a while and swap the McDonalds for chicken and broccoli every now and then, you will notice a difference in your energy levels and thinking.
Lesson 13.
Tell the people you love that you love them. If you have things you need to say, apologies or just to say how much you care for someone then tell them because one day it might be too late and they will never have known.
Lesson 14.
You are the best version of you, no one else is like you, you are unique so don't change to please others, make the most of it!
So friends I hope you have found my little lesson list helpful in some way. I am always learning new lessons and I always try to learn something from the mistakes that I make. I try to take the bad and turn it into something positive to get to my goals. But most of all it is important to find your own way in your own time and just live your life as an individual. Bask in your uniqueness!
Feel free to tell me some of your life lessons as I would love to hear from you. Thanks for dropping by, and till next time, have a great day xoxo :D